Lodge 5

When it comes to Jewish life at Swarthmore, Lodge 5 is where it’s happening. Situated right next to Bond Hall, the interfaith/religious building, Lodge 5 provides easy access to services, quiet study space, and fun areas to hang out and relax.

Top Floor: Jewish Student Lounge
Newly repainted and refurnished by students several few years ago, the Jewish Student Lounge (JSL) is a space to discuss, watch movies, play games, and relax with Swat’s Jewish community. With big comfy couches, nice tables, and a big screen TV, students regularly hang out in the JSL on Friday nights. Kehilah also holds havdalah celebrations, study breaks, and game nights in the space. Always accessible, it’s the perfect location for midday naps.

Ground Floor: Beit Midrash

On the ground floor of Lodge 5 is the Beit Midrash, Swarthmore’s Jewish text study library, run by the religion department. Jewish studies classes and weekly text study are held here. It serves as a center for the study of Judaism, Jewish history, and Jewish culture in their broadest expressions. It promotes the integration of Jewish texts, culture, history, and art through various classes and text study sessions and by hosting visiting lectures open to the wider community that represent multiple manifestations of Jewishness from antiquity to today.

Bottom Floor: The Ruach Kitchen

In Lodge 5’s basement is the Ruach Kitchen, where students gather on Friday afternoons to cook Shabbat dinner, socialize in a relaxed atmosphere, and learn about Jewish food. The kitchen is vegetarian, and therefore is Kosher, and is nut free in order to accommodate as many of our members as possible. We regularly host fun Challah-baking sessions throughout the year. In addition, every year during Passover, Swarthmore Kehilah runs a “Pasover Co-op” in which students prepare kosher-for-passover food for one another throughout the holiday. And when you’re on that late-night paper-writing-marathon in the JSL — you might just find some leftovers to help keep you going.